
Matango ? , also known as Fungus of Terror, Curse of the Mushroom People and Attack of the Mushroom People, is a 1963 Japanese tokusatsu movie. It was directed by Ishir Honda, and written by Takeshi Kimura based on the story The Voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson an adaptation credit is given to Masami Fukushima and Shinichi Hoshi, but Kimura threw out most of their contributions.citation needed Special effects were by Eiji Tsuburaya.

The movie begins in Tokyo, where a man travels to visit a professor who is being held in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. He tells the man that what happened to him sounded crazy but that he in fact was not insane.A Japanese yacht on a day trip encounters a nasty storm that nearly capsizes it. The crew and passengers include the skipper Naoyuki, his shipmate assistant Senz, writer Etsur Yoshida, university professor Kenji, celebrity Masafumi Kasai the owner of the yacht and two female passengers, professional singer Mami and student Akiko. The storm leaves their ship in ruin. Without a rudder or sails to steer by, they are forced adrift. A few days after hearing a radio announcement that they were lost at sea, the group arrive at a seemingly deserted island. After spending a day in search of food and water, they come across ponds that seem manmade, full of fresh rain water along with a seemingly endless forest of mushrooms. However, Naoyuki warns them not to eat the mushrooms, as they may be poisonous. ........

Source: Wikipedia