Matchstick Men

Matchstick Men is a 2003 American black comedy crime film directed by Ridley Scott. Based on Eric Garcias 2002 novel of the same name, the film stars Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell, and Alison Lohman.

Klein provides Roy with medication, and in therapy has Roy recall his past relationship with his exwife, Heather Melora Walters, who was pregnant during the time of the divorce. At Roys behest, Klein informs Roy that he called Heather and found out that Roy has a 14yearold daughter, Angela Alison Lohman. Roy and Angela meet, and her youthful energy rejuvenates him. Roy thus agrees to work with Frank on a longterm con their target is Chuck Frechette Bruce McGill, an arrogant businessman whom the duo decides to con with the Pigeon drop.One night, Angela unexpectedly arrives at Roys house, saying that she has had a fight with her mother, and decides to stay for the weekend before returning to school. She explores his belongings and causes him to rethink his life, which he mentions during therapy with Klein. Angela returns home late one night, leading to an argument between the two. During dinner, Roy admits that he is a con artist and reluctantly agrees to teach Angela a con. The two of them go to a local laundromat and con an older woman into believing she has won the lottery, and she shares half of her expected winnings with Angela however, Roy then forces Angela to return the money. ........

Source: Wikipedia