Matira Manisha

Matira Manisha Man of the Soil Odia is a 1966 Odia film, from India, directed by Mrinal Sen.

The plot revolves round the family of Shama Pradhan, a rural farmer, and his two sons, Baraju played by Sarat Pujari and Chakadi played by Prashanta Nanda, and disagreements over the family home and land after his death.On his death, Shama Pradhan entrusts his elder son Baraju with the responsibility of looking after his younger son Chakadi, and entreats him to keep the family land and home together, and not split it between the two brothers. Baraju is a peaceloving person who commands respect from the villagers for his idealistic way of life, and Barajus wife Harabou played by Bhanumati Devi is portrayed as an ideal housewife, who is very caring and affectionate towards Chakadi, his wife Netramani played by Sujata Anand and their two children. ........

Source: Wikipedia