Memories is a 2013 Indian Malayalam crime thriller film written and directed by Jeethu Joseph, starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Vijayaraghavan, Suresh Krishna, S. P. Sreekumar, Mia George and Meghana Raj. The film is produced by P. K. Muralidharan and Santha Murali under the banner of Anantha Visions. The film follows Sam Alex Prithviraj, a drunkard cop, who is forced to investigate a series of murders.
Sam Alex Prithviraj Sukumaran is a police officer who is heavily dependent on alcoholism to ease the pain of his family loss. Sam Alex was a romantic and peaceful family guy, leading a good life with his family. His loving wife Teena and beloved daughter were murdered by Sams enemy right in front of his eyes, and as a result, Sam turns into an alcoholic. Sams supervisor, Mr. Aravindhaksha Menon Vijayaraghavan requests Sam to proceed with a parallel investigation in a case involving the disappearance and possible kidnapping of several young married men, since the present police team is not able to make any progress in the case. Sam refuses to this. Later, his mother Vanitha Krishnachandranrequests him to take up the investigation. Sam Alex soon gets into the case files and consults the postmortem documents and the doctors who conducted it. Soon Sam Alex is seen making breakthrough in the case. Another two kidnappings happen in the series and all this leads to Sams rough conclusion of the murderer. The murderer is an eccentric person and has a limp in his feet and is a person who either hates or loves women. The killer leaves certain clues inscribed by sharp surgical knife on the chest of the victims. This serves Sams thinking of what kind of person the killer is and who is his next target. Upon careful examination of the words inscribed in the body of the victims, Sam uncovers that the words are actually Aramaic, the language that Jesus used for communication. The words are later found to point to biblical proverbs,thus helping Sam to lead to conclusions that the killer is insane and that he assumed that the victims gave up their lives for the sins committed by their respective wives. He soon figures out that the wives of the kidnapped husbands have links and they all had to do with a guy who studied with them certain years back. There was absolutely no evidence of such a person. During all these scenes, Sam realizes that there is one last target and the killer will
Source: Wikipedia