Mickybo and Me is a 2004 Northern Irish comedydrama film written and directed by Terry Loane and based on the stage play Mojo Mickybo by Owen McCafferty. The film was produced by Working Title Films and released by Universal Studios.
BEST IRISH FILM in the BIG BUZZ IRELAND ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS 2005. BEST FEATURE FILM in the BOSTON IRISH FILM FESTIVAL 2005. AUDIENCE AWARD at the Schlingel International Childrens Film Festival, Chemnitz, 2005. The CIFEJ Award for BEST FILM amp Childrens Jury Award for BEST FILM in the OULU INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2005. BEST CHILDRENS FILM, TIBURON INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, USA, 2006. GRAND PRIX International Jury and GRAND PRIX Childrens Jury, Buster Film Festival, Copenhagen 2006. BEST DIRECTOR, OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL, 2006 BEST FILM, OLYMPIA INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL, 2006 AUDIENCE AWARD BEST FILM at the Titanic International Film Festival, Budapest 2007. Best Costume Design, Irish Film and Television Awards 2005
Source: Wikipedia