Minority Report is a 2002 American neonoir science fiction mysterythriller film directed by Steven Spielberg and loosely based on the short story of the same name by Philip K. Dick. It is set primarily in Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia in the year 2054, where PreCrime, a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by three psychics called precogs. The cast includes Tom Cruise as Chief of PreCrime John Anderton, Colin Farrell as Department of Justice agent Danny Witwer, Samantha Morton as the senior precog Agatha, and Max von Sydow as Andertons superior Lamar Burgess. The film is a combination of whodunit, thriller and science fiction. It is also a traditional chase film, as the main protagonist is accused of a crime he has not committed and becomes a fugitive.
In April 2054, Washington, D.C.s PreCrime police stops murderers before they act, reducing the murder rate to zero. Murders are predicted using three Precogs, mutated humans who previsualize crimes by receiving visions of the future. The Federal government is on the verge of adopting the controversial program.Since the disappearance of his son Sean, PreCrime Captain John Anderton has separated from his wife Lara and became a drug addict. While United States Department of Justice agent Danny Witwer is auditing the program, the Precogs generate a new prediction, saying Anderton will murder a man named Leo Crow inhours. Anderton does not know Crow, but flees the area as Witwer begins a manhunt. Anderton seeks the advice of Dr. Iris Hineman, the creator of PreCrime technology. She reveals that sometimes, one of the Precogs, usually Agatha, has a different vision than the other two, a minority report this has been kept a secret as it would damage the systems credibility. Anderton resolves to recover the minority report to prove his innocence. ........
Source: Wikipedia