Miracle Landing aka Panic in the Open Sky is a 1990 television film based on an inflight accident aboard Aloha Airlines Flight 243 that occurred in April 1988. The Boeing 737200 was flying from Hilo, Hawaii to Honolulu, Hawaii, when it experienced rapid decompression when a section of the fuselage was torn away. With one flight attendant blown from the cabin to her death and 65 others injured, the aircraft was able to make a successful emergency landing at Kahului Airport, on Maui.
In February 1988, two pilots in a flight simulator face the challenge of landing a crippled jet that experiences a cabin decompression, an engine fire and a loss of hydraulics. The three emergency situations foreshadow the events of Paradise Airlines Flight 243, taking place two months later. NoteThree crew members Madeleine Mimi Tompkins Connie Sellecca, Captain Robert Bob Schornstheimer Wayne Rogers and Flight Attendant Michelle Honda Ana Alicia are flying together on Paradise Airlines Flight 243. First Officer pilot Tompkins has been selected for training to become a full Captain in the airline, having been the first female pilot to be hired by Paradise in 1979. ........
Source: Wikipedia