Misery is a 1990 American psychological thriller film based on Stephen Kings 1987 novel of the same name and starring James Caan, Kathy Bates, Lauren Bacall, Richard Farnsworth, and Frances Sternhagen about a psychotic fan who holds an author captive and forces him to write her stories. Directed by Rob Reiner, the film received critical acclaim for Batess performance as the psychopathic Annie Wilkes, and Bates won the 1990 Academy Award for Best Actress for her role, making Misery, as of 2016, the only Stephen King adaptation to be an Oscar winning film. The film was rankedon Bravos 100 Scariest Movie Moments.
The next morning, Annie forces Paul to burn his latest manuscript. When he is well enough to get out of bed, she insists he write a new novel entitled Miserys Return, in which he brings the character back to life. Paul complies, believing Annie might kill him otherwise. He also tells her he will use Annies name in the book in appreciation of her nursing him back to health. However, having found a way of escaping his room, he sneaks out when Annie is away and begins stockpiling his painkillers. He tries poisoning Annie during a candlelit dinner, but fails when she accidentally spills her drugged wine. During another venture out of his room, Paul finds a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about Annies past. He discovers that she was suspected and tried for the deaths of several infants, but the trial crumbled due to lack of evidence. Paul also learns that Annie quoted lines he had written in his Misery novels during her trial. Annie later drugs Paul and straps him to the bed. When he wakes, she tells him that she knows he has been out of his room and breaks his feet with a sledgehammer to prevent him from trying to escape again.The local sheriff, Buster Richard Farnsworth, is investigating Pauls disappearance. When a shopkeeper informs the sheriff he has sold Annie considerable quantities of typing paper, Buster surmises Paul must be at the Wilkes farm. Buster pays Annie a visit, who permits the sheriff to inspect the residence. When Buster finds Paul drugged and hidden in the basement, Annie fatally shoots Buster and tells Paul that they must die together. He agrees, on the condition that he must finish the novel in order to give Misery back to the world. While she gets his chair, Paul conceals a can of lighter fluid in his pocket. ........
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