Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules

Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules Maciste, luomo pi forte del mondo is a 1961 Italian film directed by Antonio Leonviola.

The young Princess Saliura has been captured by a fierce underground cavedwelling people. Maciste and his friend Bangor, in whose care she was left, allow themselves to be also captured and imprisoned. They find themselves in a series of deep caverns, occupied by a race of mutant whitehaired albino people. They are living under an ancient curse, by which they cannot emerge onto the surface, except by moonlight, and sunlight is deadly to them. They worship the goddess of the moon.The mole men, led by Halis Mosab, a tyrannical and bloodthisty nonalbino queen, are using the captured people as slaves to operate their diamond mining operations. Saliura is assisted in an escape and is taken to sanctuary with the Guardians of the Sacred Waterfall. But she is betrayed and recaptured. ........

Source: Wikipedia