Moon Pilot is a 98 minute Technicolor science fiction satirical comedy released in 1962 by Buena Vista Distribution. Based on Robert Buckners 1960 novel Starfire, it was directed by James Neilson and reflects Disneys interest in Americas early space program during the John F. Kennedy era.
Despite all of their precautions, Talbot is approached by Lyrae, a mysterious foreign girl who seems to know all about the astronauts mission. She approaches Talbot to warn him about possible defects in his spacecraft. The various agencies assume she is a foreign spy.Eventually Lyrae reveals that she is a friendly alien from the planet Beta Lyrae. She wants to offer him a special formula that will safeguard his rocket. Enchanted by the girl, Talbot sneaks away from the FBI, NASA, and CIA agents who have been guarding him to spend more time with Lyrae. Eventually, after his rocket is launched, Talbot discovers that Lyrae has stowed away. The two sing a romantic song about Beta Lyrae while mission control is confused by the bizarre transmissions. ........
Source: Wikipedia