More Than Blue

More Than Blue Hangul RRSeulpeumboda Deo Seulpeun Iyagi MRSlpmpoda t slpn iyagi is a 2009 South Korean film. The directorial debut of poet Won Taeyeon, it stars Kwon Sangwoo, Lee Boyoung and Lee Beomsoo in the lead roles. The films Korean title translates as A Story Sadder Than Sadness.

Believing Cream has really found someone she loves, K asked Joohwans fiance to break up with him. Joohwans fiance agrees under the condition that K lets her take photographs of him. It is later revealed that Cream first learned about Ks illness when she takes what she thought were Ks vitamins, but in fact turned out to be pain medication for terminal cancer patients. Earlier in the movie, Cream asked K what his wish was for Cream to find a good and healthy man to spend her life with. With her knowledge of his illness, Cream thus faked falling in love with Joohwan, in order to appease K. This perspective of Creams is revealed toward the end of the movie.The night before Joohwan and Creams wedding, K found the courage to tell Cream that he loves her while Cream replies me, too. In the end, Cream believes that they are married because they walked down the aisle together when K was sending Cream off to Joohwan at their wedding. The movie closes with a scene of Joohwan at a burial site where he leaves a photograph of K and Cream as well as Creams recorder, which contains a recording Cream made for K telling him to wait for her on the other side so that they can be together with no more tears. The grave is revealed to be Creams, thus implying that she committed suicide. ........

Source: Wikipedia