Mothra (film)

Mothra , Mosura? is a 1961 kaijutokusatsu film from Toho Studios, directed by genre regular Ishir Honda with special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya. It is the genre film debut of screenwriter Shinichi Sekizawa, whose approach to Tohos monster and fantasy films grew to prominence during the 1960s. The film stars Frankie Sakai, a popular comedian in Japan at the time, and Hiroshi Koizumi, in the first of many academic roles he would adopt in tokusatsu. Jerry Ito transliterated as Jelly Ito in the credits of the U.S. release stars in the film, his only appearance in a Toho monster film. Ito did however appear in 1958s JapaneseUS coproduction The Manster, and in Tohos 1961 endoftheworld feature The Last War.

An expedition to an irradiated island brings civilization in contact with a primitive native culture. When one sensationalist entrepreneur tries to exploit the islanders, their ancient deity arises in retaliation.In waters off Infant Island, a presumed uninhabited site for Rolisican atomic tests, the DainiGenyouMaru is caught and run aground in the turbulence of a typhoon. A rescue party following the storm finds four sailors alive and strangely unafflicted with radiation sickness, which they attribute to the juice provided them by island natives. The story is broken by tenacious reporter Zenichiro also known as Bulldog or Zenchan Fukuda Sakai and photographer Michi Hanamura Kagawa, who infiltrate the hospital examining the survivors. ........

Source: Wikipedia