Multi Facial

MultiFacial is a 1995 short film directed, written, produced, scored by and starring Vin Diesel. The story depicts the professional and emotional issues faced by Mike Diesel, a multiracial Italian and African American actor. The film was noticed by director Steven Spielberg, who would cast Diesel in Saving Private Ryan 1998. The film was released on DVD in 1999.

The camera shifts to reveal that Mike is at an audition for an Italian role. The casting director expresses interest and has Mike speak Italian before telling him theyll get back to him. When the director asks Mike where the monologue came from, Mike says that its a true story that happened to a friend of his. Outside, Mike gets on a payphone and calls his manager without an Italian accent. He complains about the monologue which wasnt a true story, saying it was offensive and he worries that it will keep him from getting the job. Mike wipes the tattoo off his arm and goes on to his next audition.At an audition for a commercial, Mike meets a fellow black actor in the waiting room and the two of them talk about their careers. Mike tells the other actor about the audition he just left, and again complains that he thought his monologue was offensive. The black actor tells Mike he has just landed a role in an international commercial, but Mike says he doesnt want to do commercials because no great actors have had to do commercials. Before he can audition, the director tells Mike that hes a little too light and not to bother auditioning. He suggests Mike audition for a Spanish role in a soap instead. ........

Source: Wikipedia