My Little Pony: Meet the Ponies

My Little Pony Meet the Ponies is a collection of animated shorts produced by SD Entertainment and distributed by Hasbro. The animated shorts commemorate the 25th anniversary of the My Little Pony franchise and introduced the Coreponies. The shorts first became available online on Hasbros official My Little Pony Website, before being released on DVD, Packaged within the first wave of the CorePony toys of the GenerationLine.

Pinkie Pie got a bad daydream on how she will ruin her own party for her friends. As she woke up, she explained everything to Scootaloo about her dream. Scootaloo said that there is nothing to worry about and her party would go well as planned. At that Pinkie Pie went back to her house and do all the preparations for her party, she checks everything to see if she is doing right, only finding out her nightmare on preparing a party came true. Her friends came in and Pinkie Pie accepted their help decorating the room, preparing the food and everything else. In the end, everything went well and Pinkies party goes well as planned.Pinkie Pie went to Rainbow Dashs home, only to see her that she got buried in a pile of clothes. She went inside her house and helped her up, also asking Rainbow Dash why is she inside her pile of clothes. She answered that she is getting ready for her dress up party happening in her house. As the others arrived, they all joined in her party. Rainbow Dash said she will host her own fashion show, with a special grand prize to be awarded to someone with the best clothing design. As the fashion show started, Cheerilee, Starsong, ToolaRoola, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle showed off their awesome clothes theyre wearing. In the end, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash decided that they all win and got the grand prize. ........

Source: Wikipedia