My Tale Is Hot

My Tale Is Hot is a 1964 Sonney Amusement Enterprises comedyfantasy erotic movie. The cast includes Jack Little, Max Gardens billed as Manny Goodtimes, Bea Reddy, Ima Ghoul, Sue Pagano, and Robyn Hilton.

Lucifer U. Devil played by Gardens is upset because there have not been enough new souls in Hell. The last major arrival was Adolf Hitler. Lucifer is challenged by the claim that no earthly temptation can lure Ben away from Miassis. He bets his wife, Saturna played by Ghoul, who has been badgering him to get back on duty, that he can get Ben to forsake his faithfulness. Ill have him cheating on his wife within two shakes of a sinners tail, he vows.He visits the couple in order to tempt Ben with a succession of buxom, naked young women. There is a scene in a backyard swimming pool with a sexy bathing beauty another scene in the same pool has two beauties and there is a peek at the new maid. None of his ploys work, however. ........

Source: Wikipedia