Nagabonar Jadi 2

Naga Bonar JadiNaga Bonar Becomesis 2007 comedy film directed by Deddy Mizwar. It is starring Deddy Mizwar, Tora Sudiro, Lukman Sardi, Darius Sinathrya and Michael Muliardo. It is a sequel to the Indonesian film Nagabonar 1987.

The story begins when old Nagabonar comes to Jakarta from Medan at the request of his son, a successful young businessman who runs a large company with three of his closest friends, Pomo Darius Sinathrya, Ronnie Uli Herdinansyah and Jaki Michael Muliadro. Conflict and hilarity ensues when Bonaga tells his father the plan to sell their old palm plantation, where his mother and grandmother are buried along with his fathers best friend Bujang. Nagabonars outrage at what he thinks of as a desecration is then quickly subdued by Bonagas consultant and love interest, Monita Wulan Guritno, At least until Nagabonar learns that the wouldbe buyers of his land are Japanese, people who come from the very same country he fought against during the war of independence.The film won five Citra Awards at the 2007 Citra Awards for Best Film, Best Screenplay Musfar Yasin, Best Leading Actor Deddy Mizwar, Best Supporting Actor Lukman Sardi, and Best Sound Editing Adityawan Susanto and Adimolana Machmud. ........

Source: Wikipedia