Naked Angels

Naked Angels is a 1969 outlaw biker film, directed by Bruce D. Clark. Starring Michael Greene as Mother, Jennifer Gan as Marlene and Richard Rust as Fingers. Later documentary director Penelope Spheeris is a cast member in her first appearance as an actress. Actor Corey Fischer also appears in the cast.

Mad dogs from hell hunting down their prey with a quarterton of hot steel between their legs. After being released from the hospital, a motorcycle gang leader sets out to avenge himself on the thugs who put him there in the first place.Get an inside look at the bizarre lifestyles of the outlaw bikers in Naked Angels. Although the cast is made up of UCLA film students, they were advised by a former member of the Hells Angels, and the film has a gritty real feeling. A returning forward observer back from Vietnam eats a lizard whole on camera as a dare. Financed by Roger Corman, and produced by film student David Dawdy the film utilized Francis Ford Coppolas camera truck and technician. It was written in three weekends and shot in three weeks. ........

Source: Wikipedia