Kaaval is a 2015 Indian Tamil action film based on a true story, written and directed by Nagendran R. It stars Vimal, Samuthirakani and Punnagai Poo Gheetha, who is also the coproducer. The film, which was initially titled Nee Yellam Nalla Varuvada, was started in 2013 and released onJune 2015.
G. V. Prakash Kumar was signed to produce the music, N. K. Ekambaram to handle the cinematography and PraveenSrikanth were signed as the editors. Silva, Na. Muthukumar and Videsh were chosenas the stunt coordinator, lyricist and art director, respectively. The film which was reported to be based on a reallife incident started its filming in Pondicherry, which was held in Tamil Nadu and Kerala for 60 days. Nagendran revealed that the film was based on M. Phil study which revolves 34,712 murders took place from 1995 to 2014. In April 2015, the films title was changed into Kaaval as many people who saw the film, including promising directors, top industry personnel and police officials felt that the film deserved a more serious and purposeful title.The film was given a UA certificate by Central Board of Film Certification. The film was initially slated to release on Junebut eventually released on June 26. ........
Source: Wikipedia