Neeraba Jhada

Neeraba Jhada Odia ,a.k.a. The silent storm is an 1984 award winning Indian Oriya film directed by Manmohan Mahapatra, which depicts the realities of village existence, where dehumanized peasants still dream of a more fulfilling life.

in the meanwhile Bhamar Hemant Dasantagonizes Janardhan, when to pay back his loan to he goes to work in the stone quarry instead of working for free on Janardhans land. Janardan sees to it that he loses his Job. His real intention is to take over the last piece of land that is not mortgaged to him. Bhamars land. While Bhamar fights for his survival in the village, his daughter Phoola finds herself drawn towards a young man in the employ of Janardhan. One day when they meet in secret, they me spied upon and Phoola is recognized. There is in scandal in the village as a result, Janardhan takes this opportunity to get Bhamar ostracized in the village, especially since he has tried to defend his daughter in public against Janardhans allegations.When Bhamar discovers that the allegations are true, that it really was his daughter who was meeting a man in the village in secret, he is shattered. He goes back to Janardhan to mollify him. But Janardhan is not prepared to listen. He makes it clear that unless Bhamar clears his loan, he will not he allowed to enter his own fields. He will also have to pay the penalty for his arrogance in the next village meeting. Left with no other alternative, Bhamar decides to leave the village and take up the job of a contract labourer. But before Bhamar can leave the village Haria, a contract labourer comes back suddenly one night. He has been ill, but they forced him to work all the same. Haria escaped to come home and rest for a few days, though he knows that he cannot escape the clutches of his new employers for long. The children huddle around him in the hope of gifts, but their father has come emptyhanded. Looking at his son in despair he says. Yes. son. I have seen the wide roads and the coloured lights. But they took us fur away from them to a place where one has to work till the time, from dawn to dusk. ........

Source: Wikipedia