Night of the Bloody Apes (film)

Night of the Bloody Apes is the title of the 1972 English language version of the 1969 Mexican horror film La Horripilante bestia humana The Horrible ManBeast, also known as Horror y sexo Horror and Sex and as GomarThe Human Gorilla. The film was directed by Ren Cardona and is a remake of his 1962 film Las Luchadoras contra el medico asesino The Wrestling Women vs. the Murderous Doctor U.S. title Doctor of Doom, the first in a series of films blending elements of the lucha libre and horror genres.

Mad scientist Dr. Krellman attempts to cure his sons leukemia by doing heart transplant, replacing his sons heart with that of a gorillas. The result of the operation transforms Krellmans son into a deformed and mutated manape hybrid taking on the characteristics of the organs donor, who immediately goes on a bloody rampage.The film has been released on DVD by Something Weird Video as part of a double feature with its fellow Mexican horror movie Feast of Flesh a.k.a. Placer sangriento Bloody Pleasure, 1967. It was released uncut on DVD in the UK by Redemption in 2007, and Nucleus Films released the remastered and uncut version on DVD onOctober 2012. ........

Source: Wikipedia