Nine Lives is a 2005 American drama film written and directed by Rodrigo Garca. The screenplay, an example of hyperlink cinema, relates nine short, loosely intertwined tales with nine different women at their cores. Their themes include parentchild relationships, fractured love, adultery, illness, and death. Similar to Garcas previous work, Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her, it is a series of overlapping vignettes, each one running about the same length and told in a single, unbroken take, featuring an ensemble cast.
Stephen Holden of The New York Times described it as a film that may be the closest movies have come to the cinematic equivalent of a collection of Chekhov short stories. The films reward for intense concentration is a feeling of deep empathy and connection. For once, you dont harbor the uneasy suspicion of having been emotionally manipulated ... Mr. Garca has made a film that could be described as radically realistic ... In its subtle, understated performances, the actors vanish into characters who behave like ordinary people observed through oneway glass.Roger Ebert of the Chicago SunTimes said, Rodrigo Garcia ... the son of the novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez ... has the same love for his characters, and although his stories are all except for one realistic, he shares his fathers appreciation for the ways lives interweave and we touch each other even if we are strangers. A movie like this, with the appearance of new characters and situations, focuses us we watch more intently, because it is important what happens. ........
Source: Wikipedia