Nishkarsha Kannada is a 1993 Indian Kannada language heist thriller directed by Sunil Kumar Desai, starring Vishnuvardhan, Anant Nag and B. C. Patil. The story revolves around a bank robbery where terrorists become trapped with the hostages. It also explores the many travails of the police commissioner and ATS commando to free the hostages and reign in the terrorists. The film was hailed as a oneofakind in Kannada cinema with its realistic plot elements and that a single location used for most parts of filming.
The story opens with a kidnapping of an architect Avinash at night. He is whisked away to a secluded location where he is tortured by unknown assailants for information regarding the structural details of a bank which he helped build. When the torture reaches excruciating levels, the architect gives in and shares the confidential details of the security alarms and safety devices in the bank. It is shown that the leader of the group called Dev B. C. Patil is a terrorist and will stop at nothing to get the banks money to further his groups operations. It is also shown that he commands a strong team of at leastdeadly terrorists.The following morning, the scene opens at Bangalores Manipal center, the place of the bank that Dev and his associates have planned to rob. It is a normal day, the staff slowly trickle in, and business resumes. Meanwhile, a van that enters into the building, unloads a bunch of carton boxes marked to be delivered to the bank. The boxes are then transferred slowly to the bank premises. Unknown to the security guards, the boxes contain automatic weapons and deadly explosives, which the terrorists plan to use to take control of the bank. ........
Source: Wikipedia