Oliver Twist is a 1997 television movie produced by Walt Disney Television, based on the popular novel of the same name by Charles Dickens. It aired during The Wonderful World of Disney. It starred veteran Richard Dreyfuss as Fagin, Elijah Wood as the Artful Dodger, and Alex Trench as Oliver Twist.
On a moor, a pregnant woman staggers to a workhouse door in the rain and meets Mrs. Corney, who deems to take her in. The baby boy is born as his mother dies and leaves him a locket, which contains a portrait of her mother. Corney takes the locket and Mr. Bumble names the child Oliver from his rotating alphabetical list of names. Six years pass and Oliver is now working in the workhouses dye works. He wants to see his locket. Corney reluctantly shows it to him. She says that he can have it if hes a good boy when hes 12. Now six more years pass and Oliver draws the short straw at dinner and must confront Mrs. Corney with more grub but instead, she kicks him out the workhouse and he returns to steal his locket at night along with some real food for his journey and heads out on the road directly after saying goodbye to a friend in the hallway.After a brief trip on foot and carts, Oliver arrives in London. He gets hungry and tries to steal an apple, but is stopped by a young man named Jack Dawkins also known as the Artful Dodger. ........
Source: Wikipedia