P%C3%A9ter Medgyessy

Pter Medgyessy bornOctober 1942, in Budapest is a Hungarian politician and was the fifth Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary fromMay 2002 untilSeptember 2004. OnAugust 2004 he resigned over disputes with coalition partner Alliance of Free Democrats, but remained caretaker Prime Minister for a 30day period as required by the Constitution, and a few additional days until his successor Ferenc Gyurcsny was confirmed by Parliament.

He was born into an old Transylvanian noble family in Budapest onOctober 1942. An ancestor of the family, Mikls Medgyessy de Medgyes worked as a penman for Prince Gabriel Bethlen in the 17th century. Pter Medgyessys father, Bla Medgyessy was a recorder in the General Assembly of Cluj until the Second Vienna Award, when Hungary reassigned the territory of Northern Transylvania from the Kingdom of Romania. The family moved to Budapest, where Bla Medgyessy worked for the Ministry of Domestic Trade. His mother Ibolya Szolga was an interpreter.

Source: Wikipedia