Pacific Banana

Pacific Banana is a 1981 Australian sex comedy film which reunites the star and writer of Alvin Purple.

Martin makes several attempts to have sex, but constantly fails to get an erection, even with the help of the beautiful Candy Bubbles and her female friends. Paul constantly cheats on Sally and Mandy but they keep going back to him. Martin is constantly chased by Blandings school girl daughter, Julia. Eventually Julia tells Martin she loves him which cures his impotence and he can have sex.John Lamond had been impressed with the script for Alvin Purple 1973 and approached its original writer, Alan Hopgood with the idea of making a comedy about a broken down airline in the style of the Carry On films. Hopgood thought it was a good idea which could have led to a longrunning series of comedies set in exotic locations around the world, with titles like Tokyo Banana and Guyana Banana. Lamond wanted to cast two English actors, Robin Stewart and Luan Peters, to give the movie more of a Carry On feel. ........

Source: Wikipedia