Patricia de Lille

Patricia de Lille is a South African politician and Mayor of Cape Town. She was the founder and the leader of the Independent Democrats, a South African political party which she formed in 2003 during a floorcrossing window. OnAugust 2010, the ID merged with the Democratic Alliance, South Africas official opposition, and de Lille took on dual party membership until her party was fully dissolved in May 2014.

De Lille was born in 1951 in Beaufort West, and attended Bastiaanse Horskool. In 1974 she became a laboratory technician at a factory. She remained involved with the same company until 1990. During this time, she became involved in the South African Chemical Workers Union, starting off as a shop steward and then becoming regional secretary, before being elected to National Executive Member in 1983. In 1988 she was elected as National VicePresident of The National Council of Trade Unions , the highest position for a woman in the trade union movement at that time.

Source: Wikipedia