Paulinus of Nola

Paulinus of Nola , born Pontius Meropius Anicius Paulinus, was a Roman poet, scriptor, and senator who attained the ranks of suffect consul and governor of Campania butfollowing the assassination of the emperor Gratian and under the influence of his Spanish wife Therasiaabandoned his career, was baptized as a Christian, and became bishop of Nola in Campania. While there, he wrote poems in honor of his predecessor St160Felix and corresponded with other Christian leaders throughout the empire. He is traditionally credited with the introduction of bells to Christian worship and helped resolve the disputed election of Pope Boniface160I.

Pontius Meropius Paulinus was born c.352 at Bordeaux, in southwestern France. He was from a notable senatorial family with estates in the Aquitaine province of France, northern Spain, and southern Italy. Paulinus was a kinsman of Melania the Elder. He was educated in Bordeaux, where his teacher, the poet Ausonius, also became his friend. At some time during his boyhood he made a visit to the shrine of St Felix at Nola near Naples.

Source: Wikipedia