Peggy Sue Got Married

Peggy Sue Got Married is a 1986 American comedydrama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola starring Kathleen Turner as a woman on the verge of a divorce, who finds herself transported back to the days of her senior year in high school in 1960. The film was written by husband and wife team Jerry Leichtling and Arlene Sarner.

Peggy Sue Bodell sets off for her 25year high school reunion in 1985 with her daughter, Beth, as company. Peggy Sue has just separated from her high school sweetheart, now husband, Charlie, and is wary of attending the reunion because of everyone questioning her about his absence as they have been married since Peggy Sue became pregnant right after graduation.She arrives at the reunion and is happy to reconnect with her old best friends, Maddy and Carol. Charlie unexpectedly arrives at the reunion, causing an awkward scene with Peggy Sue ignoring him. The awkwardness is ended when the event MC announces the reunions king and queen. The king is Richard Norvik, a former class geek turned billionaire computer whiz. Peggy Sue is named the queen and walks on stage, but after they wheel out the reunion cake, she faints. ........

Source: Wikipedia