
Peludpolis is a 1931 Argentine animated film directed by Quirino Cristiani. It was released on September 18, 1931 in Buenos Aires. The film was released with a Vitaphone soundondisc synchronization system soundtrack, making the film generally credited as the first animated feature film with sound. The film is now considered a lost film.

A year into production for the film, president Yrigoyen was ousted by a military coup dtat, and production on the film halted.Still wanting this film to see the light of day, Critiani began deemphasizing Yrigoyen and the sharks and started adding in the generals that overthrew Yrigoyen as the heroes. During this time, Cristiani added an everyman character named Juan Pueblo to act as the moral center of the film. After the delay and plot rearrangement, Peludpolis was finally released on September 16, 1931. ........

Source: Wikipedia