Penpattanam Malayalam is a 2010 Malayalam film by V. M. Vinu. This films takes a look at the struggle for survival of four women who are Kudumbasree workers portrayed by Revathi, KPAC Lalitha, Shwetha Menon and Vishnupriya.
One day the four findlakhs rupees 3,000,000 left in a waste bin. Initially they went to handover the money to police but later decided against it, due to their necessity for money, and handded over the money to Unnithan muthalali who agrees to pay them a good interest every month. Meanwhile, police finds a corpse in the city and found out that the person who got murdered was a hawala black money agent. Police, led by Circle Inspector Antony Lal, started investigating about the missing money and the clues led to the four women. Meanwhile, Raji got engaged to Mani. The four were interrogated by the police. Initially they denied any involvement and were remanded and sent to subjail. There Raji was attacked by three women with immoral intentions. Suhara fought them all and saved Raji. They were released on bail with the help of Adv. Maheswari Iyer Praveena. Later Girija asked the money back from Unnithan, but Unnithan initially denied to return the money and demanded Girija to share his bed for the money. Girija informed this to the others and they together fought Unnithan and tricked him to retrieve the money.Finally they got the news that some charity will sponsor the operation of Suharas husband. They handed over the money to the widow of the hawala agent who was murdered for the money. Inspector Antony understands the whole story but finally let all the four free, since they didnt take the money for themselves but handed it over to the ones who really deserve it. ........
Source: Wikipedia