PersonaThe MovieSpring of Birth, Gekijban PerusonaDai Ichi Sh? is a 2013 Japanese animated film and the first installment in a film series based on the Shin Megami Tensei Personavideo game by Atlus. Directed by Noriaki Akitaya and written by Jun Kumagai, it is based on the original story by Atlus and distributed by Aniplex. It stars voice actors Akira Ishida, Megumi Toyoguchi, Ksuke Toriumi, Rie Tanaka, Hikaru Midorikawa and Mamiko Noto. Set in 2009, the film follows the exploits of transfer student Makoto Yuki who, upon moving to Iwatodai City, discovers the Shadow creatures which feed on human psyche during the Dark Hour midnight phenomenon. After awakening to an ability called Persona, Yuki finds himself intertwined in the battle against the Shadows with his new schoolmates.
Due to an unfortunate accident during the Spring of April 6, 2009, Makoto Yuki Akira Ishida arrives in the city late at night on a delayed train. Upon disembarking at midnight, a strange phenomenon grips the cityshutting down all forms of technology and causing humans to become encased in coffins. Unperturbed, Makoto casually makes his way to the Iwatodai Dormitory where a mysterious boy Akira Ishida greets him with a contract after which he meets fellow dormmates, Yukari Takeba Megumi Toyoguchi and Mitsuru Kirijo Rie Tanaka, albeit the pair weary of his arrival at midnight.The next day, Makoto enrolls at Gekkoukan High School as a sophomore with Yukari and fellow classmate Junpei Iori Ksuke Toriumi. Afterwards the schools Chairman of the board, Shuji Ikutsuki Hideyuki Hori, asks Yukari to keep a close eye on Makoto due to his uncanny characteristics which hint at his potential and coincidental circumstances involving the death of his parents during an accident in the city some ten years previous. Meanwhile Makoto finds himself in a place called the Velvet Room and becomes acquainted with Igor Isamu Tanonaka and Elizabeth Miyuki Sawashiro. ........
Source: Wikipedia