Pokmon Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, originally released in Japan as Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation the Movie Mew and the Wave Hero, Note is a 2005 Japanese animated fantasy film directed by Kunihiko Yuyama and produced by OLM, Inc. It is the eighth installment of the Pokmon film series. It was released in theaters in Japan on July 16, 2005, followed by the Japanese DVD release on December 22, 2005. The English dub was done by 4Kids Entertainment and was first released on DVD in Australia on August 16, 2006, with the US release following on September 19, 2006. The English dub of the movie premiered in the US for the first time at the 2006 ComicCon in San Diego, California. The film aired in the United Kingdom in July 2007 on Cartoon Network and it continues to air on CITV. This is also the last Pokmon film to be dubbed in English by 4Kids Entertainment, who have been dubbing Pokmon from the start of the television series in 1998. All future Pokmon episodes and films would be dubbed by The Pokmon Company International.
In the legendary past, before the creation of Pok Balls, an auraguiding hero Pokmon named Lucario sensed two armies about to clash at Cameron Palace in Kanto. He told his master, Sir Aaron, while he was being attacked by a group of Houndoom. During the battle, Lucario was blinded, and he used his Aura Sphere to eliminate the Houndoom.The Queen of Cameron, Lady Rin, decided to die with her people, and so Aaron got on his Pidgeot and traveled to the Tree of Beginning, but they were attacked by a rival group of Skarmory. Later, Lucario arrived by sensing his masters Aura. When Lucario tried to go with him Aaron sealed Lucario in his staff. Pidgeot returned to the queen with only Sir Aarons staff, and the queen realized that Sir Aaron must have sacrificed himself by using his own aura to stop the war. Since then he was revered as a hero, and only his staff remained for his legacy. ........
Source: Wikipedia