Postman Blues , Posutoman Bursu? is a 1997 Japanese criminal action comedydrama film directed and written by Hiroyuki Tanaka under the name Sabu. The film features Shinichi Tsutsumi, Keisuke Horibe, Ren Ohsugi and Kyko Tyama in the lead roles. It tells the story of a postman Shinichi Tsutsumi who is mistaken by the police as a criminal.
Sawaki Shinichi Tsutsumi is a postman. He has an old friend Noguchi Keisuke Horibe who, unknown to him, had become a yakuza. Noguchi was being spied by the police for a long time. One day Sawaki delivers a letter to him and stays at his place for a while. During his stay Noguchi puts a package of drugs into Sawakis letter bag. His finger, which he cut off as a symbol of loyalty to his gang, also accidentally falls into the bag. Viewing his relationship with Noguchi, the police think that Sawaki is a member of the yakuza and follow him. On reaching home, Sawaki finds a suicide note in his bag written by a cancer patient to her aunt. He rushes to the hospital to see the girl Kyoko Kyoko Toyama and falls in love with her. He meets a hit man Joe Ren Osugi there who tells him how he had won the contract killing competition called the Killer of killers. The police profiler Tomoro Taguchi, who was following Sawaki, comes to the conclusion that Sawaki is a member of the criminal gang. Meanwhile, Naguchi discovers that the finger he had cut was no longer in his house. All this marked the beginning of problems for Sawaki.Postman Blues is a film in which absolutely all the characters are so completely crazy that neutralize their absurd plans against each other and the film may find itself with sleepwalking to an end, which must appear in a very bizarre way as logical. ........
Source: Wikipedia