Problem Child is a 1990 American comedy film directed by Dennis Dugan and produced by thenfirst timer Robert Simonds. It stars John Ritter, Amy Yasbeck, Gilbert Gottfried, Jack Warden, Michael Richards, and Michael Oliver.
Benjamin Ben Healy is a pleasant but browbeaten husband, yuppie, and baseball coach working for his father, Big Ben, a tyrannical sporting goods dealer who is running for mayor. Recently, he has discovered that his father intends to sell his store and the land to a Japanese company rather than leave it to him when he asks why, Big Ben reveals that it is because his son stubbornly refuses to follow his example by adopting an honest work ethic instead of a ruthless drive to usurp. He would love to have a son, but his selfish, golddigging wife, Florence Flo, has been unable to conceive. Ben and Flo are never invited to parties if they have a kid. He approaches lessthanscrupulous adoption agent Igor Peabody with his dilemma, and Igor presents them with a cute 7yearold boy, Junior.However, Junior is hardly a model child apparently meanspirited and incorrigible. He leaves a path of serious destruction in his wake, and is even pen pals with Martin Beck, a notorious serial killer called the Bow Tie Killer. He sets his room on fire using a clown lamp and throws Fuzzball, the family cat, at Big Ben and he falls down the stairs. He messes up a camping trip with the neighbors by peeing on the campfire, and manipulating a practical joke played on the kids by their father, Roy, Bens Obnoxious friend who greatly enjoys rubbing his good fortunes in Bens face, by luring a real black bear to the campsite. He makes Ben believe a bear is attacking when it is really Roy in a bear costume who gets hit with a frying pan. Hearing Junior laugh, Ben finds out he is responsible for making him hit Roy. Next day, at a birthday party, Lucy, the snobby birthday girl, and her friends are very cruel to him and ban him from watching the magic show. However, he wants revenge and sneaks a water sprinkler into her room, forces a boy to pin a tail on a womans butt instead of the donkey, cuts off another girls braid with scissors, puts a frog in the punch bowl, replaces the piata candy with pickles incl
Source: Wikipedia