Purgatory House is a critically acclaimed independent feature film written by 14yearold Celeste Davis and directed by Cindy Baer, who were paired in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program when Davis wasyears old. It deals with the topics of teen suicide and drug addiction from a teens perspective. Shot in Los Angeles in the summer of 2001, Purgatory House screened atfestivals, wonfestival awards,PRISM Award Nominations, appeared oncritics lists for best films of the year and was distributed by Image Entertainment.
Purgatory House centers on a lonely teen who feels disconnected from the world around her. When she can no longer fill her void and numb the pain with drugs, she ends her life with the hope of finding an unconditionally loving God. Instead she encounters an eternal stage of limbo not unlike the world she tried to leave behind where she must finally deal with the problems she tried to avoid while alive.Purgatory House demonstrates the base human need to connect with a higher power, or a power outside ourselves. It is a film which advocates spirituality, but not a particular organized religion. ........
Source: Wikipedia