Queen of the Desert is a 2015 epic biographical drama film written and directed by Werner Herzog and is based on the life of British traveller, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer and political officer Gertrude Bell. The film follows Bells life chronologically, from her early twenties till her death. It is Herzogs first feature film in six years after his 2009 film My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?.
The film chronicles the events of Gertrude Bells life, a British explorer, traveller, archaeologist and political officer.Talking about casting difficulties and delay in shooting of the film, Herzog said, There are some actors Id very much like to be in the film and its problematic to get them in the same place at the same time. Naomi Watts was originally cast in the role of Gertrude Bell but was later replaced by Nicole Kidman. Kidman, talking about her role, said, Shes the female Lawrence of Arabia. She was English, and basically defined the borders between Iraq and Jordan that exist today, borders that she negotiated between Churchill and different Arab leaders. She went out to the desert with the Bedouin and all the different tribes that were feuding at the turn of the 20th century. Jude Law was initially cast in the role of Henry Cadogan but later dropped out due to scheduling conflicts and was replaced by James Franco. ........
Source: Wikipedia