Race (2007 film)

Race is an independent computer animated scifi action film, produced by Hyper Image, a post production and animation studio located in Glendale, California. Written by Rhonda Smiley and directed by Robert Brousseau, it stars James Hereth, Kevin Lewis, Russel Perryman, Jane Roberts, Terry Diab, Bill Mendieta, H.L. Cannon, J.J. Song, and Benita Marti.

In the far future, the interplanetary Alliance staves off war by establishing the high energy Star Car 5000 racing circuit, allowing potential enemies to act out their aggressions on the racecourse. The drivers become revered celebrities, but ruthlessness rules and the stakes grow higher.A victim of corporate betrayal, Team Earth manager Potter Russel Perryman still carries deep emotional scars from a catastrophic crash and has vowed to win again without any sponsorship. His ragtag crew consists of the only three people he trusts himself, hardheaded driver Trance Caldron James Hereth and mechanic Stash Jane Roberts. ........

Source: Wikipedia