Ragada English Fight is a Tollywood Action Film film produced by D. Siva Prasad Reddy on Kamakshi Movies banner, directed by Veeru Potla. Starring Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Priyamani in lead roles and music is composed by S. Thaman. The film dubbed into Hindi under same title amp in Tamil as Vambhu. The film recorded as Super Hit at boxoffice.
Satya tells good tactics to GK, to fight Peddhanna. In one fight, Jairam captures Sirisha, and GK captures Jairam. Not wasting any time, Satya kills Jairam. Once again, Sirisha falls deeper in love with him. Satya gets another warning from Bhagavan, Peddanas follower, to join him but Satya does not. Ashtalakshmi, then, also falls in love with him. Later, Sirisha takes Satya to meet his friends at a pub, and she talks with a tattooed girl, whose face is not shown to Satya. In the next scene, Satya takes Ashtalakshmi on a date with him, that was supposed to be his date with Sirisha. Satya is cornered and goes to Bhagavans house, and kills him, and his son.Satya thinks about why he joined the goons gang. It is for money. The movie jumps to Satyas flashback, where they find out that Satya is an orphan, taken into care by a loving doctor, who is like Mother Teresa. The people of this City, Kadapa, worship this doctor. At that time, an election is taking place. The people want the Dr. to decide who to vote for. Devender, a political campaigner and who also has the support of Pedhanna, kidnaps Drs daughter, to make sure she tells everyone to vote for him. However, she does not. Satya enters on cue and beats up Devyanders men. It is later found out that he has to get 72 crores to keep the Drs hospital running, as Devyanders dad donated the money to the Dr, to open the hospital. He also kills the doctor at one point of time. So, to get the money and to take revenge against the goons who killed the doctor, Satya enters into the city. ........
Source: Wikipedia