Red Riding Hood (2003 film)

Red Riding Hood is a 2003 Italian horror film loosely based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood, directed by Giacomo Cimini, the film stars Roberto Purvis as Tom Hunter, Justine Powell as Arianna and Kathleen Archebald as Rose McKenzie.

Jenny proceeds to introduce her current situation, being left alone by her stepmother in a penthouse apartment in Rome with plenty of cash and unlimited credit cards. Given that setup she proclaims Now I know what I want to improve my education, serve justice, reinstate truth, basically what my father would have wanted me to do.According to Jenny, her puppy has grown up and taken the form of her imaginary friend George a large, mysterious person with a white wolf mask and a black cloak who never says a word. Jenny and George roam the streets of Rome at night, killing and mutilating thieves, liars, cheaters and any other kind of morally bankrupt people who cross their paths. The introductory victim, a thief, is seen stealing a handbag and running off. He is eventually run over by a van driver who was briefly seen tapdancing in the same scene. ........

Source: Wikipedia