A sequel to the fan films Pink Five and Pink Five Strikes Back, Return of Pink Five continues the adventures of Stacey Pink Five around the edges of the original Star Wars trilogy. The film was directed by series creator Trey Stokes, who cowrote the film with Chris Hanel The Formula. The film has been released in multiple parts. Volume One debuted online at Atomfilms on April 25, 2006. Volume Two premiered July 20, 2006 at the Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards ceremony at the San Diego ComicCon, and was released online on May 25, 2007, the 30th anniversary of the release of Star Wars.
Volume One opens with Stacey serving in the court of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, where she dons the famous metal bikini to rescue Han Solo from carbonite. However, Princess Leia, Solos new girlfriend, manages to rescue him first. Disgusted by Hans affection towards Leia, Stacey abandons the rebels and travels to the second Death Star. While waiting for the Emperor, she duels with Darth Vader before letting slip the Rebels plans to attack the station, and the fact that Leia is actually Vaders daughter. Volume One ends on a cliffhanger, with Stacey apparently signing on as the Emperors new apprentice.Volume Two opens with the arrival of the Rebel fleet at the Death Star. After a brief entreaty from the ghost of ObiWan Kenobi, Stacey heads to the surface to rescue Han again. She enlists C3PO, R2D2 and the Ewoks as a diversion, but abandons the rescue attempt after overhearing Solo tell the princess of his love. Afterward, she learns from the spirit of Yoda that the rebels are unaware of a second shield around the Death Star reactor. The film ends on yet another cliffhanger as she is manipulated by Yoda into returning to the Death Star to deactivate the second shield. ........
Source: Wikipedia