Risk is a 2007 Bollywood film directed by Vishram Sawant. It stars Randeep Hooda, Vinod Khanna, Tanushree Dutta, Zakir Hussain, Yashpal Sharma and Anant Jog in the lead roles. The movie is based on the Mumbai underworld. Randeep Hooda plays the role of an honest cop, Suryakant Satam, fighting against the might of a Bangkokbased don crime lord Khalid Bin Jamal, played by Vinod Khanna.
In jail, Suryakant receives messages from Khalid. His image tarnished, Suryakant is offered his police officer position by Khalid as long as he does his bidding. He is also handsomely rewarded. Suryakant starts working energetically for Khalid and wipes out Khalids enemies. Arbaaz played by Yashpal Sharma, Khalids brother, travels to India to personally deal with Khalids sworn enemy, S.P. Naidu. Naidu is killed by Arbaaz but suddenly Suryakant reveals his true colours by killing Arbaaz and home minister Sarong and making it seem like Arbaaz had murdered Sarong.The supposed death of a home minister at the hands of Khalids brother is enough to have him extradited to Mumbai for trial. However, despite all of Suryakants painstaking uncovering of Khalids illicit activities, the Indian police cannot make a firm case against him. Khalid is sure he will leave India in a day but before doing so, wants retribution for Arbaazs death and orders his men to dispose of Suryakants comrades on the police force. ........
Source: Wikipedia