Robot Taekwon V V is a South Korean animated film directed by Kim Cheonggi and produced by Yu Hyunmok, the prominent director of such films as Obaltan Aimless Bullet 1960. It was released on July 24, 1976, immediately becoming a hit in the late 1970s, and consequently inspired a string of sequels in following years. Robot Taekwon V was released in the United States in a dubbed format under the name Voltar the Invincible. Robot Taekwon V became the first Korean film to receive full digital restoration treatment in 2005.
Dr. Kaff or Dr. Cops in Korean, an evil scientist bent on world domination, creates an army of giant robots to kidnap worldclass athletes and conquer the world. To fight off this attack, Dr. Kim creates Robot Taekwon V. Kim Hoon, the taekwondo champion eldest son of Dr Kim, pilots Robot Taekwon V either mechanically or through his physical power by merging his taekwondo movements with the robot.Comic relief is provided by Kim Hoons younger buddy, elementary school student Kim Cheol. He has fashioned himself as TinCan Robot Cheol by cutting eyeholes in a tea kettle and wearing it on his head. Kim Hoons girlfriend, Yoon Yeonghee, is a pilot and taekwondo practitioner. She can also operate Robot Taekwon V with buttons and levers, and pilots Kim Hoon in and out of the robot. ........
Source: Wikipedia