Rough Waters

Rough Waters 1930 is an alltalking adventure drama film that stars Rin Tin Tin. The film was adapted by James A. Starr from a story by Lillie Hayward, and was the last Rin Tin Tin film produced by Warner Bros.

The gangsters then look for a hideout and find a fishing hut. This hut is the home of Capt. Thomas Breese, who can no longer walk and is confined to a wheelchair, and his young daughter Mary Ralston. Mary is in love with Cal Morton Chandler, who is a policeman that rides a motorcycle. Morton is Rin Tin Tins owner. Masquerading as government agents, the gangsters break into the hut and prevent Capt. Thomas and Mary from leaving.When Rin Tin Tin delivers the daily newspaper, as usual, Mary manages to place a note on Rin Tin Tin for Cal Morton. When Cal arrives with Rin Tin Tin, he and his dog are wounded by one of the gangsters. The gangsters also capture two mail agents William Irving and George Rigon. The gangsters then attempt to make a getaway by using a boat. In spite of being injured, Rin Tin Tin manages to prevent the escape of the gangsters and delivers them to Cal who handcuffs them with Bills help. ........

Source: Wikipedia