Rupert and the Frog Song is a 1984 animated film based on the comic strip character Rupert Bear, written and produced by Paul McCartney and directed by Geoff Dunbar and Raymond George Taylor. The making of Rupert and the Frog Song began in 1981 and ended in 1983. The film was released theatrically as an accompaniment to McCartneys feature film Give My Regards to Broad Street. The song We All Stand Together from the films soundtrack reachedwhen released in the UK Singles Chart. It was released in 2004 as one of the segments of Paul McCartney Music amp Animation.
Upon the rocks, Rupert finds a large number of multicolored frogs. He walks into a cave behind a waterfall and sees three signs Frogs only beyond this point, Everything except frogs must be kept on a lead, and Guard frogs operating. He sneaks into the palace, trying to avoid getting caught by the frog guards. There, he witnesses the Frog Song, an event that occurs only once in a few hundred years in which various frogs of all shapes and sizes come together and sing We All Stand Together. Around the end, the frog King and Queen rise out of the water before the crowd to finish off the song. After a thunderous applause from the frogs, the owl, who had followed Rupert in order to find where the frogs were hiding, launches for an attack on the royals, but Rupert manages to warn the frogs in time and they all quickly retreat, leaving the owl empty handed and the palace completely empty. After hearing his mother call him, Rupert excitedly rushes home to tell his family about what he saw.McCartney had been planning his Rupert movie since at least the early 1970s, when his company, McCartney Productions Ltd., acquired the rights to the film the day after the Beatles breakup. At one point, the song Little Lamb Dragonfly, which was recorded in 1971 and released on the 1973 album Red Rose Speedway, was intended for the film. ........
Source: Wikipedia