Sakura Wars The Movie , Sakura Taisen Katsud Shashin? is a 2001 Japanese animated film adaptation of the Sakura Wars series directed and cowritten by Mitsuru Hong. It was first released in Japan on December 22, 2001, along with Slayers Premium, Di Gi Charat A Trip to the Planet and Azumanga Daioh The Animation.
The film begins with the Imperial Revue celebrating Leni Milchstrasses 17h birthday following a performance at the Great Imperial Theater. With division captain Ichir gami in Paris, Moon Division Captain Yichi Kayama joins in the celebration. The next morning, on Christmas Day, Sumire Kanzaki and Maria Tachibana visit a theater, where Maria finds out that Brent was one of the mafia members in New York when Maria visited the United States years earlier. At the Great Imperial Theater, Ratchet Altair arrives from New York City to be assigned into the Imperial Assault Force Flower Division. DouglasStewart president Brent Furlong and his subordinate, Patrick Hamilton, summon the Kouma to obliterate a city. The Flower Division is summoned to the battlefield where the Kouma are at. However, during the battle, Ratchet appears in an Eisenkleid and briefly battles the Kouma. They retreat and the Flower Division is introduced to Ratchet. Meanwhile, Brent and another one of his subordinates, Haruyoshi Tanuma, arrive at the facility where the Japhkiels, robots made by DouglasStewart, are made. One of them attacks Tanuma to his horror. Patrick uses a soundwave technique to stop the attacking Japhkiel.After the division suffers injuries sustained in battles, division commander Ikki Yoneda and count Yoritsune Hakakji are suddenly captured by Patrick, the army assumes command the theater, and the Flower Division is ordered on indefinite standby. Orihime is ordered to go in her Eisenkleid, but she is ambushed and manipulated by Patrick. Meanwhile, Maria investigates the DouglasStewart facility and is injured following an ambush by Patrick. At the Flower Mansion, the seven remaining members of the Flower Division and Yokihiko ta of the Rose Division, who reveals that the army was being manipulated by DouglasStewart, work together to take back the theater. Using Ri Kohrans Katsuryumaru, the seven are able to regain control of the theater and overpower the army. Following another battl
Source: Wikipedia