Salami Aleikum

Salami Aleikum is a 2009 Comedy film by Ali Samadi Ahadi about an Iranian migrant family in Germany who try to cope with life in exile. There are animation parts and some musical videoclips Iranian music and dance are included. The film has special German and Persian Word plays and German and Iranian Characters are well Characterized. Salami Aleikum was a successful film in Germany.

Salami Aleikum won the International Filmfest Emden 2009, the second prize of the Bernhard Wicki Film Prize and the NDR Film Prize for the offspring. The film was nominated for the MFGStar BadenBaden 2009.The film won the prize of the German Film Critics Award 2009, for Best Debut Film at the Berlinale. In 2010 the films composer Ali N. Askin was nominated for the Deutscher Filmpreis. OnMay 2012 Salami Aleikum received the Civis media prize. ........

Source: Wikipedia