The ScoobyDoo film series consists of four live action comedy films based on the Hanna Barbera animated cartoon series of the same name including the upcoming untitled reboot which makes five live action comedy films. The character ScoobyDoo has also appeared in multiple animated directtovideo films, since 1998.
Development for a liveaction treatment of ScoobyDoo began in 1994 by producer Charles Roven. Originally the idea was to make a film with a much darker tone, essentially poking fun at the original cartoon series, much like The Brady Bunch Movie and was set for a PG13 rating. Shaggy was set to be a stoner, Velma and Daphne had a side relationship, and there were many marijuana references.Several rumors about these aspects in the original cartoon series were passed around by fans of ScoobyDoo, and were to be incorporated into the live action film. ........
Source: Wikipedia