Scrooge (1951 film)

Scrooge is a 1951 film adaptation of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol 1843. It starred Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge and was directed by Brian Desmond Hurst, with a screenplay by Noel Langley. It was released as A Christmas Carol in the United States.

Ebenezer Scrooge Alastair Sim is seen leaving the London Exchange on his way to his counting house on Christmas Eve, 1843. Scrooge tells two other men of business that he has no intention of celebrating Christmas. He refuses leniency to a debtor who owes Scrooge money. Back at his place of business, Scrooge refuses a donation to two men collecting for the poor, suggesting that prisons and workhouses are sufficient for maintaining the poor, and that those who wont go would be better off dead. Scrooges nephew, Fred Brian Worth, invites Scrooge to dinner the next day, but Scrooge refuses, disparaging Fred for having married. Scrooge reluctantly gives his poor clerk Bob Cratchit Mervyn Johns the day off with pay, but expects him back all the earlier the day after.After Scrooge dines alone in a seedy restaurant where he refuses more bread when told he has to pay a halfpenny more for it, he goes home for the night. Scrooge sees the doorknocker turn into the face of his sevenyearsdead partner, Jacob Marley Michael Hordern. Scrooges supper of gruel is interrupted by the ringing of bells before Marley appears as a ghost. Scrooge believes he is hallucinating until Marley howls in anguish and frustration. Marley warns Scrooge that he must repent or suffer Marleys unbearable fate condemned to walk the earth forever, bound in the chains he forged in life by his greedy ways. He warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits the first will arrive when the bell tolls one. Marley leaves to join other ghosts suffering the same torment. Frightened by the sight of the damned, Scrooge takes refuge in his bed. ........

Source: Wikipedia