Secondhand Lions

Secondhand Lions, a 2003 American comedydrama film written and directed by Tim McCanlies, tells the story of an introverted young boy Haley Joel Osment who is sent to live with his eccentric greatuncles Robert Duvall and Michael Caine on a farm in Texas.

In 1962 in the Texas countryside, 14yearold Walter Caldwell Haley Joel Osment is left by his irresponsible, dishonest mother, Mae Kyra Sedgwick, to live for the summer with his reclusive, bachelor greatuncles, Hub Robert Duvall and Garth Michael Caine McCann, brothers said to have a secret fortune. Walter is given a room in the attic where he finds a photograph of a beautiful woman, who he later learns is Jasmine Emmanuelle Vaugier, Hubs one true love. Soon after, relatives Ralph and Helen arrive with their children, hoping for a chance at the fortune. Thinking Walter is also after it, they threaten to take him to the Orphanage, making him run away. Walter makes his way to a gas station, and uses a phone booth to call the court reporting school which his mother told him she was attending only to learn she isnt there. The two uncles find him Hub is glad to see him on his way, but Garth convinces Hub to bring him back home.Walter begins settling in, dealing with his uncles odd habits, such as Hubs sleepwalking at night in which he relives old fights, as well as their daily routine of shooting at traveling salesmen for fun. Curious, Walter suggests they at least hear a pitch they end up buying a clay pigeon launcher. Hub orders a lion from a circus animal dealer, intending to mount its head after killing it however, they end up with an aging, tame lioness. Walter names her Jasmine, angering Hub. Later, Hub passes out loading 50pound bags of Lion Chow, landing him in the hospital. He soon recovers and is hungry the three then lunch at a road side store. Four Greasers enter, annoying Hub who easily beats them in a fight. In their absence, Ralph and Helens sons accidentally release Jasmine from her crate just as Hub, Garth and Walter return. Walter searches for Jasmine, and finds her in the cornfield, which becomes her new jungle home. Hub and Garth decide to let Walter keep Jasmine as a pet, knowing the lioness will keep Ralph and Helen away. When Walter notices Hub

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