Secreto de confesi%C3%B3n

Secreto de Confesin is the title of the first Filipino film in Spanish language, which was presented at the time as la primera pelcula hablada y cantada en espaol producida en Filipinas the first film spoken and sung in Spanish in the Philippines.

Other Filipino films in Spanish from the same period, such as Las Dulces Mestizas, Muecas de Manila or El Milagro del Nazareno de Quiapo, had an even greater success at the box office, and started to create international distribution channels for the Philippine film industry spoken in Spanish.Unfortunately, all existing copies of the film were lost during the U.S. bombing of Manila at the end of World War II. It was not the only film destroyed during the armed conflict, since there are only copies of five prewar Filipino movies, none of them in Spanish. ........

Source: Wikipedia